How Alita: Battle Angel Brought Its Crazy Motorball Sequence To Life

How Alita: Battle Angel Brought Its Crazy Motorball Sequence To Life

Robert Rodriguezs Alita: Battle Angel is a very faithful adaptation of its beloved source material, but it does make one notable change. Borrowing an element that isnt introduced in the manga until closer to the middle of the series, the film introduces audiences to the violent sport known as motorball: a deadly, dangerous game played by cyborgs at high speeds.

Its an interesting addition not only from a visual effects perspective, but also in the movies storytelling and I felt compelled to ask about it when I interviewed Robert Rodriguez, star Rosa Salazar, and producer Jon Landau during the movies domestic press day in Los Angeles earlier this month.

Sitting down with the trio in a recreation of one of the sets from the movie, my first question was about the introduction of motorball to Alita: Battle Angel and the challenges of bring it to life and Robert Rodriguez opened by saying that there was a mix of positives and negatives within the execution. In the case of the former, for example, the film doesnt actually feature any full scenes of the sport being played, so that took a bit of narrative weight off their shoulders and allowed the production to have a bit more fun with it:

It wasn't in the two books that [James Cameron] was adapting into the script, but he pulled it out of book three and four. He said, 'I think fans of the manga would be really upset if they got an Alita movie and there's no motorball. And he found a really cool way to use it where they're not even playing the game; they're all just trying to kill her - which I thought was awesome because then it's more character driven.

Writing the script, James Cameron handed Robert Rodriguez a pretty handy shortcut that avoided a sequence dedicated to explaining the rules of motorball but that was just one item taken off of a still very full plate. Just because there was no need for an exposition dump (one that notably didnt actually exist in the manga either) didnt mean that the filmmakers didnt have to still figure out the mechanics of the sport, and that process created its own special issues.

As an example, the director explained how even figuring out how fast the characters needed to go was a process with hurdles. While the Alita: Battle Angel source material did provide some guidance, the practicalities of filmmaking required a few alterations in the physics department, which then themselves required further alterations in other areas. Rodriguez explained,

I did a bunch of speed tests really early on, just with some animatics in Austin, trying to figure out how fast they really needed to be going so that it would feel fast because it was always described as being like a 100 mph. Which, you know, when you put it on a track, because the track doesn't have a lot of discernible visuals, it just didn't seem fast enough. So it's more like 400 mph just to get it, and that means right away we're out of track, so we had to just keep elongating the track. There's a lot of cheats in there to get the feeling, this breathless feeling of the track.

Of course, just because Robert Rodriguez and James Cameron didnt fully outline the rules of motorball in the making of Alita: Battle Angel doesnt mean that theyve cast the task aside permanently. While the making of this movie didnt make that job a requirement, Rodriguez added that its something that would certainly be done for a sequel:

Because the story point was just that they were trying to kill her. We can just throw that out the door and go, 'Okay. As long as it feels like there's some sport being played, we don't really have to figure it out in this movie. We will eventually!

As for the performance perspective, the majority of the professional motorball sequence is primarily brought to life with pure visual effects but that doesnt mean that Rosa Salazar was totally sidelined for the experience. Obviously she wasnt strapped to any kind of machine that would whip her around at 400 mph, but there were particular parts in the making where her talents were required.

Speaking to her work on the motorball scene, Rosa Salazar noted that the work was a bit more fractured, but could highlight the moments her involvement (primarily involving close-ups and dialogue) with Robert Rodriguez chiming in to add an extra detail.

Rosa Salazar: Here's the thing - there were specific moments during all of those motorball battles that we actually shot separately. When he's trying to push my head into the ground and I break... a couple of different moments. Obviously right before I bust through the glass at the starting line, 'Take it easy on me, guys.' Taking off. All of those things were shot.Robert Rodriguez: We had a start line where all of them were together and she could actually interact with everybody. Even though all their bodies were going to be replaced, we still had to photograph all of their faces.

You can watch Robert Rodriguez and Rosa Salazar discuss the process of bringing the motorball sequence to life by clicking play on the video below:

If youre now totally pumped to see this insane action on the big screen, the good news is that you can do it right now. Alita: Battle Angel which has Rosa Salazar joined by an outstanding cast including Jennifer Connelly, Christoph Waltz, Mahershala Ali, Ed Skrein, and more is now playing in theaters everywhere. Well have plenty more about the film coming your way in the next few days as it fights its box office competition during the Valentines Day weekend, and be on the lookout for more behind the scenes stories.

For more of whats coming to a theater near you in the weeks and months ahead, be sure to check out our 2019 Release Calendar.

Sitting down with the trio in a recreation of one of the sets from the movie, my first question was about the introduction of motorball to Alita: Battle Angel and the challenges of bring it to life - and Robert Rodriguez opened by saying that there was a mix of positives and negatives within the execution.
How Alita: Battle Angel Brought Its Crazy Motorball Sequence

Alita: Battle Angel is a 2019 American cyberpunk action film based on the 1990s Japanese manga series Gunnm (known as Battle Angel Alita in the English translation) by Yukito Kishiro. Directed by Robert Rodriguez , the film is co-produced by James Cameron and written by Cameron and Laeta Kalogridis .
Battle Angel Alita - Wikipedia

Ashen Victor, a story set six years before the beginning of Battle Angel Alita. It primarily tells the story of a Motorball player and it sets the evolution of the game into what it becomes in the Battle Angel Alita series. Last Order, a continuation of Battle Angel Alita, published monthly in Ultra Jump.
Alita: Battle Angel's Most Complicated Characters & VFX Sequences

Alita: Battle Angel, directed and co-written by Robert Rodriguez off a story plan by producer James Cameron, may be getting a lot of attention for the groundbreaking processes and technology behind the creation of the title character player by Rosa Salazar, but Iron City is chock full of cyborgs of varying sizes and shapes.

Battle Angel Brought Its Crazy Motorball Sequence To Life

How Alita: Battle Angel Brought Its Crazy Motorball Sequence To Life We Actually Have A Box Office Horse Race At Movie Theaters This Weekend Normally, the state of the box office is easy to
Alita: Battle Angel - Wikipedia

Robert Rodriguez's Alita: Battle Angel is a very faithful adaptation of its beloved source material, but it does make one notable change. Borrowing an element that isn't introduced in the manga until closer to the middle of the series, the film introduces audiences to the violent sport known as motorball: a deadly, dangerous game played by cyborgs at high speeds.
Battle Angel Brought Its Crazy Motorball Sequence To Life

Robert Rodriguez's Alita: Battle Angel is a very faithful adaptation of its beloved source material, but it does make one notable change. Borrowing an element that isn't introduced in the
How Alita: Battle Angel Brought Its Crazy Motorball Sequence

How Alita: Battle Angel Brought Its Crazy Motorball Sequence To Life 4 months ago Robert Rodriguez's Alita: Battle Angel is a very faithful adaptation of its beloved source material, but it does make one notable change.
How Alita: Battle Angel Brought Its Crazy Motorball Sequence

I did a bunch of speed tests really early on, just with some animatics in Austin, trying to figure out how fast they really needed to be going so that it
Alita: Battle Angel - CINEMABLEND

Sitting down with the trio in a recreation of one of the sets from the movie, my first question was about the introduction of motorball to Alita: Battle Angel and the challenges of bring it to life - and Robert Rodriguez opened by saying that there was a mix of positives and negatives within the execution.
How Alita: Battle Angel Brought Its Crazy Motorball Sequence

8 Marvel Characters Who Deserve Spinoff Movies On Disney's Streaming Service

8 Marvel Characters Who Deserve Spinoff Movies On Disney's Streaming Service

Not content to have the biggest blockbuster on the big screen, Disney is turning its attention to the growing world of exclusive streaming services with Disney Play. Due to launch in 2019, the service will contain a number of original Disney projects from it numerous brands, and that will reportedly include the MCU. TV spinoffs for characters like Scarlet Witch and Loki are apparently in the works with the involvement of the same actors. That's a pretty awesome idea, and while TV shows are great and all, movies would be just as great a format.

Part of what makes the spinoff idea great is that it gives smaller characters a chance to shine in their very own project. The MCU's stable of characters expands with every single movie, and plenty of them are worthy of their own solo adventures. Plus, the fact that these would be airing on Disney Play opens up the format and style -- not every movie has to end with a big action spectacle. With that in mind, here are some of the characters that I think would do well on Disney Play, excluding the ones who reportedly already have something in the works.

Scarlet Witch and VisionI know I'm already cheating, but this is different! It's a Scarlet Witch AND Vision movie. While Scarlet Witch is good on her own, there's still loads to explore about her relationship with Vision. One of the downsides of the MCU is that there is story happening between the movies that we never get to see. Case in point, we never actually see Wanda and Vision get together. They are already in love at the start of Avengers: Infinity War. That's a natural side effect of this form of storytelling, but spinoff movies can help fill in the gaps. That's why a Scarlet Witch and Vision romance movie would help provide extra context and make their ultimate fate more meaningful. You can play fast and loose with the period it's set, but the best might be between Captain America: Civil War and Infinity War.

HawkeyeWill this dog ever have his day? Yes, in his very own movie on Disney Play. The most underrated Avenger hasn't had as much opportunity to shine as his colleagues have, and he had to sit out of Infinity War, but Hawkeye would make an excellent fit for a spinoff. People have long asked for some kind of Hawkeye content, and it might be time to give the people what they want. Writer Matt Fraction's run on the character in the comics is pretty much the go-to inspiration for the character, and Fraction's story helped cement Hawkeye as the Regular Dude of Marvel heroes. There is mileage to gain from this character, either focusing on his time as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., his struggle as a superhero family man, or taking a self-aware look at his less than glamorous place alongside his fellow Avengers.

Falcon and War MachineDespite being Avengers, Falcon and War Machine have often been regulated to the sidelines. Don't get me wrong; War Machine and Falcon are great side characters. They pull their weight and get their own scene-stealing moments, but they aren't title characters. The big moments understandably go to big names like Captain America or Thor, but that's exactly why these two should team-up for their own adventure. It can be set soon after Avengers: Age of Ultron when both characters were on the Avengers and they get sent on a mission together. It's like a buddy cop action movie that lets them steal the spotlight all for themselves.

ValkyrieThor: Ragnarok is jam-packed with scene-stealing character, but Valkyrie is the most bankable as a lead, in no small part because of the charisma factory that is Tessa Thompson. Valkyrie quickly rose the ranks as a fan-favorite character and people are begging to know what happened to her before Infinity War. A spinoff movie could answer that question and give her Korg and Miek (also two very popular characters) to go along for the ride. Or maybe the film is set during the early days of when Valkyrie arrived on Sakaar and chose to become a Scrapper. Valkyrie has main character potential in the MCU, but a spinoff might be a good way to test the waters before giving her her own big screen adventure.

Winter SoldierHe's the No. 1 pick to take over as Captain America should Steve Rogers die in Avengers 4, but there's still a lot to be mined from Bucky Barnes' time as the Winter Soldier. Barnes was brainwashed for decades into being Hydra's deadliest assassin, and he's risen to be one of the MCU's most badass characters. It's hard to turn down an action movie all about the Winter Soldier during, say, the seventies. The problem with this though is that the Winter Soldier has no personality while under mind control and is just an unstoppable killing force. That makes him a great villain, but not so much a lead character. The trick might be to pair him up with another character to fight, but there aren't a lot of options to choose from for a period piece. Still though, giving Winter Soldier his own Terminator-like movie is supremely cool.

Rocket and GrootRocket Raccoon and Groot are the closest things Marvel has to Timon and Puumba, but even they got a spinoff movie. Rocket and Groot burst onto the scene in Guardians of the Galaxy, and the two of them have been fan-favorite characters ever since. They make the most sense of all the Guardians to get their own movie, and there are definitely options for how to make one happen. For example, a film could explore how Rocket and Groot first met. (Just like the Timon and Puumba movie!). It can be a heist movie in space or even a straight-up comedy. There used to be chatter that the duo was under consideration for spinoffs anyway, so why not put them to use on Disney Play?

The RavagersIntroduced in Guardians of the Galaxy, the Ravagers are the intergalactic crooks that take in Peter Quill after they kidnapped him from Earth. This specific movie would focus on the leaders of the Ravagers that were seen in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and featured Sylvester Stallone and Michelle Yeoh. I think that it would be fun to see a prequel of the early days of the Ravagers -- that way you can have a young Yondu in the film. The trick is to make sure that the film isn't too similar to Guardians of the Galaxy because the two teams basically do the same thing, though, the Ravagers are a bit murkier from a moral perspective.

Young Ant-Man and the WaspOver the course of a decade, the MCU has revealed that it is filled with history as the world was filled with wonder long before Iron Man came along. In the present day, Hank Pym assists his daughter Hope van Dyne and his successor Scott Lang, but Hank as an exciting past waiting to be tapped. He used to go on world-saving missions with his wife Janet as Ant-Man and the Wasp, which would make or great material for a movie. Just imagine an early eighties spy thriller starring married superheroes. That sounds fun! We've barely seen any of Hank's time as Ant-Man, so it would be cool to see what he and Janet were up to before the mission that locked her in the Quantum Realm. Plus, because of Marvel's increasingly impressive face CGI, Micheal Douglas and Michelle Pfeiffer could play younger versions of themselves.

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How A Romantic Relationship Introduces A Big Change For Shaft

How A Romantic Relationship Introduces A Big Change For Shaft

John Shaft and his son John Shaft Jr. (evidently their familial relationship has changed) have both been known for two things: their reputations as ladies men and tough crime fighters who know how to get answers. With the addition of the third generation in JJ, Shaft is going to add some interesting dynamics to the world of that character. And one of the most surprising is the relationship between Samuel L. Jacksons John Shaft Jr. and the mother of his child, Maya, played by Regina Hall.

For a man who followed in his fathers footsteps as being very social with women, John Shaft Jr. apparently found his romantic Achilles heel in Maya, as well see in director Tim Storys Shaft reboot. And during a set visit early last year, CinemaBlend was on hand with other journalists to learn just how that relationship will affect not only the story of the Shaft reboot, but also how it effects the legendary image of this character.

To start us off, heres what we learned from Regina Hall, in terms of why Maya is so attractive to Shaft, but also why their relationship broke up at the beginning of Shaft:

Shes very good in bed. Thats how she got [John] Shaft. You know, Shaft has a lot of em, but Maya came along, and he was like That, right there. His lifestyle is the problem, so when they have a child and she becomes a mother, and they get shot at by about 10 men, she decides that its probably safer for her to raise the baby away from Shaft.

While the trailer for Shaft showed audiences a lot of the set-up for three generations of John Shafts running around and fighting crime, we do get to see a little bit of Maya putting John Jr. in his place when confronting him about their sons involvement in the films central case. And instead of the typical argument you would expect to ensue, we see Samuel L. Jacksons second generation John take their encounters in stride.

Its this fact that Regina Hall continued to elaborate on, as she further discussed the relationship between John Jr. and Maya as follows:

Its good to see him in a position where he cares, so hes not in a power position. And thats the only time hes not in the power position is when hes with Maya. Hes like a man in love.

One of the core tenets of Shafts central character is that he is, in fact, a sex machine to all the chicks. But with JJ hot on the case of a murdered friend, and his father John Jr. helping him investigate, John Jr. and Maya get to bristle with energy

During that same day on the set visit for Shaft, we got to also talk to Samuel L. Jackson, as he walked into the room during our discussion with Regina Hall. And like any good partner, Jackson jumped in with further details about how John Jr. and Mayas relationship is different from a typically conflicting romance. He laid down the following clues as to what well see in their interactions during Shaft:

Its not even a love/hate thing, its just a love/safety thing. She took him away from me, because my lifestyle is too dangerous. It had nothing to do with her falling out of love with me. But in the absence, people create and fill their space how they need to fill it. And shes done that in those 25 years. The separation is one thing. Its like we literally dont see each other, so all of a sudden when we see each other you can see, when they look at each other, this thing happens thats almost irresistible. But its like, Im not letting you pull me back in.

As theres more of a careful mix between comedy and action in director Tim Storys Shaft reboot, one of the binding agents that seems to balance those two factors out is this family reunion of John Jr., Maya and JJ; as well as the addition of Richard Roundtrees original John. In a series primarily known for a single protagonist solving a crime, doing the legwork to find those responsible, and bringing them to justice, you need a strong hook to introduce such a dynamic this late in the game.

And the best description of just how the John Jr./Maya relationship balances those tones in Shaft is the one that both Samuel L. Jackson and Regina Hall gave as they discussed their on-screen romance:

Jackson: And generally, every time theyre together, something fucking dangerous happens.Hall: Within six minutes, some shit pops off.Jackson: Or I say something wrong.

Lets just hope that Regina Halls Maya gets to be one bad mother herself, once it all hits the fan. We certainly wont have to wait too long to find out, as Shaft is in theaters on June 14, and well have more coverage available on CinemaBlend as we get closer to that films launch.

How A Romantic Relationship Introduces A Big Change For Shaft

How A Romantic Relationship Introduces A Big Change For Shaft June 3, 2019 cinemablend Leave a Comment 5 minutes ago John Shaft and his nephew John Shaft II have both been known for two things: their reputations as ladies' men and tough crime fighters who know how to get answers.
How A Romantic Relationship Introduces A Big Change For Shaft

Home/Entertainment News/ How A Romantic Relationship Introduces A Big Change For Shaft Entertainment News How A Romantic Relationship Introduces A Big Change For Shaft
How A Romantic Relationship Introduces A Big Change For Shaft
John Shaft and his son John Shaft Jr. (evidently their familial relationship has changed) have both been known for two things: their reputations as ladies' men and tough crime fighters who know how to get answers. With the addition of the third generation in JJ, Shaft is going to add some interesting dynamics to the world of that character
How A Romantic Relationship Introduces A Big Change For Shaft
How A Romantic Relationship Introduces A Big Change For Shaft; How Much Money Once Upon A Time In Hollywood Could Make In Its Opening Weekend; What Excites X-Men Producer Hutch Parker The Most About The Team̢۪s Move To Marvel
How A Romantic Relationship Introduces A Big Change For Shaft
39 minutes ago John Shaft and his son John Shaft Jr. (evidently their familial relationship has changed) have both been known for two things: their reputations as ladies' men and tough crime fighters who know how to get answers.

During that same day on the set visit for Shaft, we got to also talk to Samuel L. Jackson, as he walked into the room during our discussion with Regina Hall.And like any good partner, Jackson jumped in with further details about how John Jr. and Maya's relationship is different from a typically conflicting romance.
How A Romantic Relationship Introduces A Big Change For Shaft

And one of the most surprising is the relationship between Samuel L. Jackson's John Shaft Jr. and the mother of his child, Maya, played by Regina Hall. For a man who followed in his father's footsteps as being very social with women, John Shaft II apparently found his romantic Achilles' heel in Maya, as we'll see in director Tim Story
How A Romantic Relationship Introduces A Big Change For Shaft

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How A Romantic Relationship Introduces A Big Change For Shaft

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How A Romantic Relationship Introduces A Big Change For Shaft

How A Romantic Relationship Introduces A Big Change For Shaft; Hallmark Is Premiering 2 New Christmas Movies in July, Because Why Not? What Excites X-Men Producer Hutch Parker The Most About The Team's Move To Marvel; Rocketman: Big Differences Between The Movie And Elton John's Real Life
How A Romantic Relationship Introduces A Big Change For Shaft