The Funny Way Chris Hemsworth and Taika Waititi Cameoed In Thor: Ragnarok

The Funny Way Chris Hemsworth and Taika Waititi Cameoed In Thor: Ragnarok

Movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe often come chock full of cameos and Easter eggs, and Thor: Ragnarok was no different in that regard. Director Taika Waititi stole several scenes with his performance as the lovable Korg, but it turns out that he actually teamed up with Thor actor Chris Hemsworth for another cameo that quite literally involved putting their heads together. Check out the newly-discovered cameo, below.

We knew Chris Hemsworth and Taika Waititi had grown close over Ragnarok's production, but this cameo literally joins them at the neck. The first face to pop out on this three-headed is Waiti (the head on the far right), who can be seen staring directly at the back of Korg (also played by Waititi). Then, on the far left side of the creature's head, the face seems to resemble that of Thor: Ragnarok star Chris Hemsworth -- though what he's looking at isn't exactly clear.

The head in the middle is the one that fans on Reddit, who initially discovered the image, can't quite seem to come to an overall consensus on. Some have suggested that the middle head is meant to look like The Wall star John Cena, while others have posited the possibility that it's actually Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige.

And to think, that's just the tip of the iceberg in terms of cameos featured in Thor: Ragnarok. In addition to Taika Waititi and Chris Hemsworth, the third entry in the Thor saga also featured cameos by actors like Hunt for the Wilderpeople's Sam Neil, and Chris Hemsworth's brother Luke Hemsworth. Then, there was also the widely talked-about cameo by Downsizing's Matt Damon.

Although the home entertainment release of the flick is coming soon, audiences will have to wait and see if we ever get another Taika Waititi-directed Thor movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The filmmaker joked to CinemaBlend about a possible opening for Thor 4 that would involve a Jurassic Park reunion between Sam Neil, Jeff Goldblum, and Laura Dern, but whether or not Marvel would ultimately go for that much less another Thor-oriented movie remains to be seen. If nothing else, we can presume Thor 4 would feature some fun cameos if it ever comes together.

With yet another Thor: Ragnarok cameo discovered, now is the time to look ahead to guess as to what other cameos may be on the horizon for the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Phase 3 slate. We won't have to wait too much longer to know for sure, as Black Panther will debut in theaters later this month on February 16, and Thor Odinson will reunite with the rest of the MCU heroes in the battle against Thanos (Josh Brolin) and The Black Order when Avengers: Infinity War premieres on May 4.

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Final The Predator Trailer Is NSFW And Epic

Final The Predator Trailer Is NSFW And Epic

The Predator started out 2018 as one of the year's most anticipated movies, but I think it is fair to say that the marketing for the film hasn't been overwhelmingly awesome as of yet. A few months back, CinemaBlend's own Mike Reyes argued that The Predator needed to hurry up and release a red-band trailer to show off the film's mature content. And although a red-band trailer has been released since, more is better. Now, in advance of The Predator's release in two weeks time, there is a new trailer and it's the best one yet, teasing an epic action movie that earns its R rating. Check out The Predator NSFW trailer below:

Now that's more like it. The focus here isn't on the kid or the stuff with the hybridization, but instead on the action and the humor. This trailer also makes it clearer than anything else that has been shown so far that The Predator is indeed a Shane Black movie and all the vulgarity that comes along with that will not be absent in this film. What's great is how this trailer manages to balance the intense action, the adult humor and the scariness of the Predators, and it all works. The team dynamic on display among the characters looks like it will be a real highlight of the movie and the Predators themselves look awesome, especially the super sized Ultimate Predator. There's also some fun, self-aware Shane Black humor when Olivia Munn's character comments that Predators should really be called sport hunters but Sterling K. Brown's character responds that "Predator is cooler," indeed it is.

It doesn't look like this movie will be holding back on the gore either. There are a couple shots that stand out showing just how violent and bloody facing off with extraterrestrial hunters can be. There is one very gnarly shot where the Predator shoots his spear through a guy and the blood drips off the chain, and towards the end of the trailer there is a shot where one of the Predators is just gutting a dude with his wrist blades and it is extremely badass. So, that R rating is no accident.

The Predator had to undergo some major third act reshoots to make the film's ending scarier, so we'll see how that turns out and, hopefully, this new film becomes a worthy entry in the Predator franchise. This trailer certainly shows off the kind of NSFW goodness we are hoping for from this movie. The Predator is tracking a $30 million opening when it faces off against A Simple Favor and White Boy Rick.

The hunt begins when The Predator opens in theaters on September 14th. Check out our release schedule for all the biggest movies still to come this year.

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