How Long The MCU Has Teased Black Panther, According to Kevin Feige

How Long The MCU Has Teased Black Panther, According to Kevin Feige

The Marvel Cinematic Universe almost feels unrecognizable when compared to what it looked like a decade ago. New heroes have entered the fray, and we now have entirely new franchises that would've arguably been impossible to imagine in the days of Iron Man, such as Ryan Coogler's Black Panther. That said, while a movie like Black Panther may have seemed like a pipe dream to many fans years ago, it has apparently been on Marvel's radar since the early days of Phase 1. Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige explained:

We always knew we wanted to do it someday. We always knew it was the manifest destiny of Marvel Studios to bring to life all facets of the Marvel universe. At the end of Iron Man 2, when Nick Fury is discussing for the first time the Avengers initiative with Tony Stark, he's brought him to this secret shield warehouse. One of the maps prominently displayed is a map of Africa with a little pinpoint to where Wakanda is. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, we talked about Vibranium for the first time and Bruce Banner mispronounces Wakanda. We've been feeding it through the films, knowing if we had the opportunity to keep making films, Panther was high on the list. It was his inclusion in Civil War that sped it up.

So, it seems that the folks at Marvel Studios have wanted to introduce Black Panther from the very beginning. The MCU has always intended to create a cohesive world that touches the farthest reaches of the Marvel landscape, and a fundamental element of that creative process has been the investment of money and resources into the creation of Wakanda. From there, the official teases started with Iron Man 2, then continued with Avengers: Age of Ultron until T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman) finally showed up in Captain America: Civil War.

Marvel has always used Easter eggs in its movies, and that Black Panther reference in Iron Man 2 is something that many fans have talked about for years. Specifically, it showed up towards the end of the film in the scene where Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) discusses The Avengers Initiative with Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.). You can catch that quick nod in the background of the Iron Man 2 shot, below.

Of course, many members of the audience have been clamoring for a Black Panther movie since the 1990s, if not earlier, and Hollywood icons like John Singleton even tried to pitch (decidedly different) versions of the T'Challa story long before the genesis of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. So why did it take so long after the establishment of the MCU? Elsewhere in Kevin Feige's interview with Variety, he explained that the first half of the MCU's decade-long existence was spent building towards The Avengers. Once those relationships were established, and the MCU could move towards the events of Captain America: Civil War, it became increasingly manageable for them to introduce an outsider to represent the rift between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers (Chris Evans).

T'Challa will return with his Vibranium suit when Ryan Coogler's Black Panther hits theaters tomorrow on February 16. If you are looking for more information about the landmark Marvel movie, then check out our in-depth Black Panther review, as well as what other people are saying about the movie. Beyond Black Panther, T'Challa and many other citizens of Wakanda will return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe later this year when Avengers: Infinity War premieres in theaters on May 4.

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There's Something Fishy About Star Wars' New Obi-Wan News

There's Something Fishy About Star Wars' New Obi-Wan News

Recently, information about the long-rumored Obi-Wan Kenobi movie came out that purported to include a plot synopsis of what the movie would be about. However, there's something a bit odd about it. The description, which included Obi-Wan getting involved in a dispute between Tattooine farmers and Tusken Raiders, is actually identical to the plot of the Star Wars Expanded Universe novel Kenobi, which makes the information appear to be even more questionable than it already did.

Lucasfilm has never confirmed that an Obi-Wan Kenobi movie is actually happening, so every piece of information that comes out about it needs to be taken with a grain of salt, but Twitter user Anthony Taylor pointed out that that the plot description that dropped and the Amazon synopsis of the novel Kenobi are strikingly similar, right down to some of the phrasing, such as the Tusken Raiders being led by a "ruthless war chief."

While this similarity almost certainly means that the plot synopsis actually came directly from the novel, there's always the possibility, however remote, that this is because the novel is actually inspiring the film. While the Expanded Universe of Star Wars novels are no longer considered official canon, they have clearly acted as both direct and indirect inspiration for the current crop of films. Han Solo and Leia had a child that turned to the Dark Side in the novels before Kylo Ren was ever a reality, and Grand Admiral Thrawn made the leap from Heir to the Empire directly to the Star Wars Rebels animated series. The novel in question takes place during the same time period in the Star Wars universe that an Obi-Wan Kenobi movie would be expected to be set, anybody who was working on a script for such a film, and, again, we don't actually know that anybody is, would almost certainly make themselves familiar with the book.

Still, the more likely answer is simply that the rumored plot synopsis doesn't actually exist. It doesn't mean that the Obi-Wan Kenobi movie isn't happening, but it does remind you that rumors are always rumors until they're not. Even if work is being done on this idea, it doesn't mean we'll ever see it. There absolutely were real plans to make a Boba Fett movie at one point, but that project ended up being shelved before it ever went into production. That could certainly happen here for any number of reasons.

Lucasfilm is almost certainly planning some sort of movie for 2020. At some point, we'll find out what it is. Until then, we'll keep tabs on all the rumors and see which ones turn out to actually be true.

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A new update is live for Star Wars Battlefront II, with a new mode based on the classic conquest mode and the assault of enemy capital ships. 43 · 4 comments This is the best synopsis & explanation of what is happening in "RotJ" to Anakin/Vader that I've ever read and thought it might be worth to be shared.
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Recently, information about the long-rumored Obi-Wan Kenobi movie came out that purported to include a plot synopsis of what the movie would be about. However, there's something a bit odd about it.
15 great Obi-Wan Kenobi quotes from Star Wars | In A Far Away

There's Something Fishy About Star Wars' New Obi-Wan News

Great Obi-Wan Kenobi quotes from the Star Wars films When Star Wars was first released way back in 1977 it seemed an unlikely space adventure but it soon struck a chord with a million fans around the world. Part of its appeal beyond lightsabers and space ships was the character of the quotable old Jedi Master known as Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Possible Star Wars Obi-Wan Spin-Off Movie -

Disney released the names of a few new Star Wars characters on Thursday. One of them is the name of the bad guy, the scary-looking dude with a tri-blade lightsaber whom we saw in the teaser
Possible Obi-Wan Kenobi Spin-Off Movie Details Arrive and

As we wait for the inevitable official announcement, possible new Obi-Wan spin-off movie details have seemingly surfaced. But there's something fishy about them, even as they reflect what could be the truth. For years, Star Wars fans have been hoping for an Obi-Wan spin-off starring Ewan McGregor.
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Politics Military & Defense News There's Something Fishy About The Name Of The New 'Star Wars' Villain. Disney released the names of a few new Star Wars characters on Thursday.
There is something fishy going on here. : starwarsspeculation

"It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together." Obi-Wan Kenobi introduced Luke Skywalker and most of us to the Force for the first time in Star Wars: A New Hope. If you're like me, you immediately imagined yourself as Force-sensitive and tried to use mind tricks on

So I thought this video was super interesting.

In it, Dave Filoni (who I consider to have the greatest
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Did Ant-Mans Evangeline Lilly Spoil Infinity War Months Ago?

Did Ant-Mans Evangeline Lilly Spoil Infinity War Months Ago?

In the current state of Hollywood, nothing is more taboo than giving away spoilers to big blockbuster movies, but it looks like Evangeline Lilly may have done exactly that. Looking back at her social media feed from the end of last year, the actress posted an image of herself, complete with her Hope Van Dyne haircut from the first Ant-Man movie, and along with it, she chose a very interesting word that means quite a lot in the Marvel Cinematic Universe today.

The post was made back in December on Evangeline Lilly's Instagram but was only recently unearthed by Twitter user @LUCIFER who pointed out the interesting use of the word "dusted" before even Avengers: Infinity War was released, nevermind Ant-Man and the Wasp, the movie where Lilly's character herself suffered such a fate in a post-credits scene.

Of course, without any context, it just looks like a post about a successful day at work. "Done and dusted" isn't that unusual a phrase to use. However, given the fact that dust is exactly what half the MCU now is following "the snap" and the fact that Evangeline Lilly is clearly making a reference to Hop Van Dyne in the associated image, it's possible she was giving away the game, just in a way nobody was likely to notice. Evangeline Lilly celebrated the end of filming Ant-Man and the Wasp back in November which means that she had filmed the post-credits scene by the time she made this post in December.

If this isn't an intentional reference that Evangeline Lilly just knew nobody would get, then it is a fairly odd coincidence. It's always possible that's the case. Even though she almost certainly knew how both Avengers: Infinity War and Ant-Man and the Wasp were going to end, she might not have made the connection herself when she made her comment. Maybe.

Of course, if she did make the comment intentionally, then that means that we need to dig into the social media feeds of everybody in the MCU and see if anybody else has potentially dropped hints about Avengers 4 that perhaps we haven't figured out. Without context, it's virtually impossible to figure anything like that out, and Marvel has done a fantastic job of keeping us context-free, but now I have to wonder if the answer is out there someplace, just in a way we won't understand until after the movie comes out.

All the answers, whether they've been secretly revealed or not, will be here next year when Avengers 4 finally hits theaters. Until then, check out everything that we do know about the film, which is a lot, even though we don't know much about the ending.

Another day done and dusted. ????

A post shared by Evangeline Lilly (@evangelinelillyofficial) on

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