A Deadpool 2 Extended Cut Is Coming, Heres What To Expect

A Deadpool 2 Extended Cut Is Coming, Heres What To Expect

Deadpool 2 is different from most superhero sequels in many ways -- and one example is runtime. While there are many big blockbusters that are happy to go over 135 minutes nowadays, the R-rated follow-up clocks in under two hours long -- largely thanks to its modest scale and tight narrative. As is, it's a great movie and ton of fun, but those of you wishing it could have been longer will soon get a special treat. I can confirm that a Deadpool 2 Extended Cut is currently in the works, courtesy of my recent interview with director David Leitch:

There's an extended cut. And I think that they may want to spin that out as a special thing, but right now I'm sort of... we're taking our time, and it's going back to the 'director cut,' and then sort of collaborating with Ryan [Reynolds], Rhett [Reese], and Paul [Wernick], and making sure we're all getting all the jokes we want - to have it be fun and our sort of fun collaboration.

I had the pleasure of sitting down with David Leitch last week during the Deadpool 2 junket in New York. We were discussing the longest assembled cut of the film, and it was as part of that discussion that he revealed the new edit that is currently in the works. And while it sounds like the precise distribution method has not yet been decided, at the very least it should get a Blu-ray release.

The "Director Cut" that David Leitch is referring to in the above quote is an early version of the film that the filmmaker put together shortly after production to show Ryan Reynolds and the other producers how everything was cutting together. Surprisingly, the assembly clocked in at only two hours and 12 minutes long -- the length you can expect for the Deadpool 2 Extended Cut -- which actually came as a total surprise to the film's star. Said Leitch,

It was funny, because we shot... it was like an 83 day shoot, and it was a lot of material. But I kept telling the studio, and I kept telling Ryan, I'm like, 'No, the director's cut going to come in at like 2:12.' And he's like, 'No way!' And I'm like, 'It is! It's going to come in at 2:12. I want to make it tight. I want you guys to get a really tight first look at the film. I don't think it needs to be bloated and I'm not that type of filmmaker.'

David Leitch described "nips and tucks" that were done that wound up cutting 12 minutes from the assembly -- but also offered a taste of some sequences that the Deadpool 2 Extended Cut will be bringing back for fans. For example, there will be a montage of the titular anti-hero trying a wide variety of suicide methods after being devastated by the death of Vanessa (Morena Baccarin). But that's not all, as the director says the alternate version of the film will use a lot of lines that were not included in the theatrical edition:

The suicide scene is in there, and there's a scene in the mansion in the kitchen over breakfast. There's some extra Domino stuff. There's a lot of fun little bits, and then a lot of alts! We're looking for every place we can put an alt.

My conversation with David Leitch then turned to a discussion about bringing the Juggernaut to life, but I was fortunately able to get the skinny on the extended X-Mansion scene from writers/producers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. For starters, there was a bit that has a payoff that's still included in the theatrical cut of Deadpool 2, and it's pretty disgusting:

Rhett Reese: We had a scene in the kitchen in the X Mansion, which is one of our favorites... You see Deadpool say 'ejaculated into a soap dispenser a hero,' and Colossus goes (smells fingers). There's an earlier scene where they're in the kitchen and Colossus is trying to get the soap dispenser to work. And he's like, 'This won't work.' And Deadpool's like, 'Just give it a few extra pumps. I just filled it.'Paul Wernick: It would have made that joke so much funnier.Rhett Reese: It would have been better. But it still works. People still get it because they see Colossus [sniff his fingers].Paul Wernick: I'm telling you, when we were coming up with that joke we were all in L.A. at Ryan's hotel where he was staying, and we were kicking around that joke, and my God we were laughing so hard. That's the sign that we're like, 'Okay, we just stumbled onto something.

Not everything about the sequence was as disgusting as ejaculating into a soap dispenser, however. Deadpool was actually going to start acting like a respectable member of the X-Men and start following Colossus' rules -- starting with labeling all of his own food:

Rhett Reese: The kitchen scene was fun. He's labeling stuff in the refrigerator as he was told to do. And so he's putting Velcro labels on, and Negasonic Teenage Warhead is not buying his go-straight routine. She's like, 'I see through you, you're still full of shit.' It was fun.Paul Wernick: It was just playing around with this idea that Deadpool is just this little kid. He's just a little kid at heart as we all are.

As alluded to earlier, the exact distribution and schedule details for this new version of Deadpool 2 are currently unknown. The film will surely have a home video release date in the early fall, and it's possible that the Extended Cut will be included. That being said, it doesn't sound like theatrical distribution is totally off the table, and there also exists the possibility that 20th Century Fox will give it its own special Blu-ray release (a la the Rogue Cut of X-Men: Days of Future Past). Time will tell.

For now, fans can enjoy the original cut of Deadpool 2, which is out in theaters everywhere -- and be sure to stay tuned here on CinemaBlend for more from my interviews with the cast and filmmakers behind the blockbuster!

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A Deadpool 2 Extended Cut Is Coming, Here's What To Expect

More Deadpool 2 extended cut details revealed. 20th Century Fox's Deadpool 2 brought in an incredible $300 million worldwide this past weekend, but the movie that everyone saw isn't the only
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A Deadpool 2 Extended Cut Is Coming, Here's What To Expect Adam Meintzer July 10, 2018 SR EXCLUSIVES Leave a comment 157 Views is different from most superhero sequels in many ways — and one example is runtime.
'Deadpool 2' Extended Cut Coming to Blu-ray and Comic-Con

Surprisingly, the assembly clocked in at only two hours and 12 minutes long -- the length you can expect for the Deadpool 2 Extended Cut -- which actually came as a total surprise to the film's
A Deadpool 2 Extended Cut Is Coming, Here's What To Expect

An extended cut of Deadpool 2 is in the works, director David Leitch has revealed. Warning: Spoilers for Deadpool 2 follow. Turn back now if you haven't yet watched the film. In an interview with
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Warning: SPOILERS ahead for Deadpool 2. Deadpool 2 maybe on its way out of theaters, but that doesn't mean the fun is over. This week, San Diego Comic-Con 2018 will include a special treat for attendees in the form of an extended cut of Deadpool 2, featuring alternate jokes and deleted scenes.
An Extended Cut Of 'Deadpool 2' Is Coming | ScienceFiction.com

A Deadpool 2 Extended Cut Is Coming, Here's What To Expect

A Deadpool 2 extended cut is going to make its way to Blu-ray soon. And that's not all - the extended cut will also screen at San Diego Comic-Con. Insert self-referential and/or innuendo-laced
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Not everyone may have loved Deadpool 2 but audiences did in any case, so now we can look forward to a Deadpool 2 extended cut DVD, and perhaps even theatrical release. . Courtesy of a director with film director David Leitch with Cinemabland, we have some clues as to the cool and even raunchy scenes we could expect to see in this material sometime down the
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James Gunn Confirms Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 Easter Egg

James Gunn Confirms Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 Easter Egg

As any fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe knows, James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy films are basically treasure troves filled with all manner of fun, deep-cut Easter eggs for comic book fans. Even long after these movies have been released, fans are still poring over them with a magnifying glass looking for some small detail that everyone else has missed, and every once in a while, someone finds one. Another new Easter Egg has recently been found in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and confirmed by director James Gunn. Take a look:

In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, along with Peter Quill, we learned that over time, Ego spread his seed across countless worlds in order to turn the entire galaxy into a living extension of himself. In order to activate the seeds, he needed another Celestial, so he impregnated innumerable women to produce a child that can tap into Celestial power. In this still from the movie, you can see Ego with someone who looks like Mantis. This Facebook post from James Gunn confirms that among those across the galaxy seduced by Ego was someone from Mantis' species.

When we met Mantis in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, we learned that she was an orphan taken from her home planet and raised by Ego. She became something of a protg and servant to the living planet. The confirmation that Ego was with one of her species could lead us to a logical conclusion that Mantis is Ego's daughter and Peter Quill's half sister, and thus potentially capable of accessing Celestial power. That would be a major development and really elevate Mantis' role and importance moving forward. However, James Gunn notes that we don't need to infer anything else from this information, so perhaps this is just a case of coincidence and fans hurling themselves down the rabbit hole of speculation, and isn't some big secret. However, James Gunn's wording about fans not necessarily needing to infer more certainly allows for some wiggle room.

In confirmation of this Easter egg, James Gunn also notes that it is not THE Easter egg. The director has often teased that the original Guardians of the Galaxy film has a super secret Easter egg that has still not been found, nearly four full years after that film's release. As if fans didn't have enough homework, James Gunn also put another super secret Easter egg in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, although apparently, this is not that. So fans will have to rewind that tape another time and press play to continue the hunt.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is looking at a 2020 release date, so maybe by then we'll finally have unlocked all of the secrets of the first film. The backlog of unfound Easter eggs is getting overwhelming. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is one of the only confirmed films of Phase 4, and James Gunn recently spoke about how different this third film will be. For all the latest on the Guardians of the Galaxy and the thrill of the hunt, stay tuned to CinemaBlend.

MANY of you have been writing me about a discovered Easter egg in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, where Ego apparently...

Posted by James Gunn on Tuesday, June 5, 2018

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Greatest Showmans Keala Settle Had A Stroke One Week Before Performing At The Oscars

Greatest Showmans Keala Settle Had A Stroke One Week Before Performing At The Oscars

While this Holiday season will bring highly anticipated projects like Mary Poppins Returns and Aquaman to theaters, last year provided a new classic movie musical: The Greatest Showman. Starring Hugh Jackman as P.T. Barnum, the film centered around the formation of Barnum's circus, with amazing tunes accompanying the story, sung by the impressive cast.

Chief among the cast is Keala Settle, who played Bearded Lady Lettie Lutz in The Greatest Showman. Settle got a ton of notoriety for her beloved song "This Is Me", which she also got to perform at last year's Academy Awards. But it turns out that Settle actually suffered a mini-stroke due to undiagnosed and ultra rare Moyamoya disease. The actress/singer recently told the horrifying story, saying:

It was like someone cracked an egg on the top of my head and then drew a line on my body, turning one half off. My body started drooping immediately. I tried to put my hands up to my face, but I could only move my left arm. I couldn't talk because part of my tongue was immobile. I tried to stand, but there was nothing. I was panicked. I let out this wail because I was so scared and the room went silent. All I could figure out how to say was 'Help.'

What a harrowing account. There was no way that Keala Settle could have predicted having a rare disease like Moyamoya, which results in small mini-strokes. Instead, Settle simply called for help, with just one week left until she was set to perform "This is Me" at the Academy Awards.

While The Greatest Showman has plenty of songs that moviegoers have already come to know and love, "This is Me" is perhaps the film's most iconic track, and one that fans have taken as an anthem. It seemed like an obvious choice to submit and perform at the Oscars, with Keala Settle taking her years of Broadway experience to one of the biggest stages ever.

This timing was obviously worrisome for Keala Settle, who had to grapple with her new medical diagnosis while also preparing for the opportunity and performance of a lifetime. As Settle told People about the incident,

It could have happened at any time. It just so happened to happen a week before the biggest performance of my life.

Ultimately Keala Settle was able to balance her personal and professional life, and belt out "This Is Us" at the Academy Awards. The song got a nomination that night, but didn't win. But "This Is Us" did win Best Song at that year's Golden Globe Awards, giving Settle an extra boost of notoriety and recognition in the wake of such a terrifying medical experience.

You can own a copy of The Greatest Showman now, and she'll once again be using her powerful voice in RENT: Live on January 27th, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your trips to the movies in the New Year.

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