Video Rental Store Busted As Gambling Front, Hadn't Updated Movies Since 2007

Video Rental Store Busted As Gambling Front, Hadn't Updated Movies Since 2007

Once upon a time, video stores were everywhere. From major chains like Blockbuster Video to your local hole in the wall rental shop, there was no better way to watch movies in the era of VHS and even DVD. Today, there are very few such stores still in operation, and it turns out there might be even fewer of them than we think, as one such shop in Georgia was just busted because it was actually all a front for an illegal gambling operation.

The store, located in Gwinnett County, Georgia was recently raided by police. The owner was arrested and computers and other items were seized. The store owner has been accused of running an illegal sportsbook, taking bets on whatever sporting event happened to be in season.

Seeing the details now, it's certainly clear there was something else going on here. It seems the majority of the location's stock was in VHS tapes, not even DVDs, and Atlanta's WSB-TV says that the most recent movie on the shelf was from 2007, so nobody even bothered to update the inventory for more than a decade.

As illegal front businesses go, a video store makes a lot of sense. It's in a public place, making it easy for the customers you actually want to find you and do business, but it's not the sort of place that you're likely to have random civilians wander into, so you don't actually have to run the fake business simply to keep up appearances.

If you're wondering why something like this wasn't caught sooner, it seems it actually was. According to the report, police knew the video store was a front for years, however, it took them some time to get an undercover agent inside the gambling ring in order to collect the necessary evidence to be able to prove what was known. That finally happened several weeks ago, allowing the police to move in now.

Between the launch of Netflix's DVD's by mail rental service that meant nobody had to leave the house to get the latest movies, and the boom in streaming service and digital rental platforms that followed, the classic video store just doesn't have a place in the modern entertainment business anymore.

With that being the case, this situation does probably make slightly suspect any other currently functioning video store in the country. Especially if the bulk of your stock is still in VHS format and not DVDs or Blu-rays, how are there enough people still looking to rent movies from a storefront to keep such a place in business?

While the switch all makes sense from a technical standpoint, it's still a sad state of affairs. For many of us, it was where our love of film actually came from, meeting and hanging out with other lovers of film and just talking about the movies we loved. Thank god for the internet I guess.

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6 Pixar Easter Eggs And References In Incredibles 2

6 Pixar Easter Eggs And References In Incredibles 2

The following contains spoilers for Incredibles 2.

One of the most fun parts of watching any Pixar movie is looking for the easter eggs hidden throughout it. Incredibles 2 was no exception in that regard. It's full of great easter eggs and references for eagle-eyed fans to locate, many of them follow a long-standing tradition at Pixar to include a collection of similar easter eggs in every feature.

If you were on the lookout for any of those frequent Pixar easter eggs and didn't get them, here's where you can find them when you go back to see it again. Because let's face it, you're going to go see it again, right?

John RatzenbergerWe'll do the obvious one first, if only because it appears first in the movie. John Ratzenberger has been called Pixar's good luck charm and he voices a character in every Pixar feature to date. Sometimes it's a major character, like Hamm in the Toy Story movies or Mack in Cars. Other times it's something quick, like his recent turn as Juan Ortodoncia in last year's Coco. Since we knew that Incredibles 2 was going to pick up immediately after the first film ended, we knew where Ratzenberger would be, voicing the Underminer who appeared at the end of the last film and who the Incredibles fight at the beginning of this one.

Luxo BallThe Luxo Ball is one of Pixar's most iconic images, due to it appearing in the studio's very first short, John Lasseter's Luxo Jr., and it has appeared in every Pixar feature since in one form or another. Frequently, it's just sitting in the background doing nothing, and while there is a shot of a ball in the background of the scene where Lucius first learns about Jack-Jack's power, it's not clear that it's the ball in question. You can see a picture of the ball, however, as an image of the toy is noticeable as part of Jack-Jack's crib.

Pizza Planet TruckEver since Buzz and Woody hitched a ride on board the Pizza Planet delivery truck in the first Toy Story, it has been a regular part of nearly every Pixar film. Coincidently, the only Pixar movie where the Pizza Planet truck does not appear in is the original Incredibles. However, the truck does appear in the sequel. Near the end of the sequence where Elastigirl first fights the Screenslaver, the pair go tumbling out of a building and fall to the street below. When they do, you can see the truck parked on the right-hand side of the screen. The truck has been modified from its traditional design to match the movie's 1950s aesthetic, but the rocket ship logo is visible over the cab, making it clear what truck we're looking at.

A113A113 is one of the most popular easter eggs in movie history. It is especially prevalent in animated films because it's a reference to a classroom number at the California Institute of the Arts where many of the greats in animation studied. Incredibles 2 director Brad Bird is credited as the first to ever use the reference, and it's even part of his Twitter handle, so you could be sure this easter egg would be included. It's actually in the movie twice. First, it's the room number of Evelyn Deaver's office. Later, it's nearly impossible to miss. At the end of the movie, when Violet finally gets to go on her date with Tony, the film they go to see is listed on the theater marquee as DementiA 113, a reference to the Francis Ford Coppola movie Dementia 13, as well as the famous room number.

Chinese Food BoxThe distinctive Red Pagoda Chinese food box isn't as common an easter egg as many on this list, but every time a Pixar movie needs a Chinese food box, we get the exact same one. It first was seen in A Bug's Life but it's also appeared in Ratatouille, Monsters Inc., and Inside Out. It's possible you've spotted this one even if you haven't seen the movie, because the scene where the Parr family has Chinese food for dinner is in the trailers. It's seen again later in the movie as well holding the leftover the family didn't finish.

Toy Story 4Every Pixar movie contains an easter egg which references the studio's upcoming project. In the case of Incredibles 2, that easter egg should be a reference to Toy Story 4, which is set to hit theaters in almost exactly a year. As such, you'd expect finding that easter egg to be easy, since we've seen a lot of that world already, but that's apparently not the case. The fact is that while we know that a Toy Story 4 easter egg is in the movie, we don't know where it is. Nathan Fariss, sets supervisor for Incredibles 2 had previously confirmed to Buzzfeed that the easter egg is there, but he didn't think anybody would actually notice it until after Toy Story 4 comes out. Odds are the easter egg is a character or object which is new to the franchise in the next movie, and thus we won't know if we caught it until we see it again in Toy Story 4.

WARNING: Spoilers for Incredibles 2.. The long-awaited Incredibles 2 has arrived with more humor, action and a load of hidden Easter Eggs. The film is a bonafide hit, with Pixar's biggest opening weekend ever and some top-level reviews.
References to Upcoming Films | Pixar Wiki -

Additionally, such easter eggs or in-jokes can refer to Pixar staff, associates, or places or events from the company's past. Lastly, some items, such as A113 , Pizza Planet or actor John Ratzenberger have appeared in the majority of Pixar films, establishing a set of traditions that subsequent Pixar films try to include.
All of Disney Pixar Incredibles 2 Easter Eggs | JaMonkey

Every Pixar movie contains an easter egg which references the studio's upcoming project. In the case of Incredibles 2 , that easter egg should be a reference to Toy Story 4 , which is set to hit
Yesterworld: Movie References in The Incredibles You Never

Now that you've seen Incredibles 2 (and of course you have, it made all the money over the weekend), you'll be wanting to find out what you missed.Pixar movies tend to be filled with Easter eggs, including hidden character cameos and classic film references and callbacks.
Incredibles 2: All The Easter Eggs You Missed | ScreenRant

6 Pixar Easter Eggs And References In Incredibles 2

Warning: Contains spoilers for Incredibles 2. As with any Pixar movie, Incredibles 2 is absolutely packed with Easter eggs and references that you won't catch on one viewing. Evelyn Deavor
The Incredibles Easter Eggs, Let's Find All Pixar's Hidden

Some of Pixar's notorious Easter eggs are references to Pixar films that were still in production at the time of release, making them references to upcoming Pixar films. Although it hasn't been as consistent as some of their other Easter eggs, in recent years it has become a tradition for Pixar to put in each of their films a cameo of or an
List of Pixar film references - Wikipedia

Find all the Easter Eggs in Pixar's the Incredibles. Who is your favorite character in The Incredibles? Mine is probably Dash. Did you find any Easter eggs that I couldn't find? Did you know the
40+ Pixar Easter Eggs, Including Jokes and References Hidden

Incredibles 2 is filled with all of the standard Disney Pixar Easter Eggs you know and love! Here are the ones we found and some you may have missed in the movie. Now that Incredibles 2 is out on digital we can comb through for a closer look!

Keep an eye out for A113, the Pizza Planet Truck, the Luxo Ball, and other objects that were slipped into the background of Pixar movies as Easter eggs. Here's where to find them.
Where to Find Pixar's Trademark Easter Eggs in 'Incredibles 2'

Disney Pixar - The Incredibles, Lady and the Tramp, Peter Pan Universal Pictures - Jurassic Park, E.T. United Arists - James Bond: Goldfinger, You Only Live Twice, Die Another Day
Incredibles 2 Easter eggs and references -

Looks Like Alita: Battle Angel May Indeed Be Saved By The Foreign Box Office

Looks Like Alita: Battle Angel May Indeed Be Saved By The Foreign Box Office

To anyone who watched Alita: Battle Angel and hoped it would lead to sequels -- you may be in luck. Emphasis on may, since it's early days, but Alita may be saved by the foreign box office.

The domestic box office has only given Alita $60.7 million so far after its February 14 opening. That's not good, but so far Alita has made $202.7 million worldwide. That's better! Considering the film had a reported production budget of $170 million, per Box Office Mojo, it needs to make a lot of money to be profitable.

With a current worldwide gross of $263,358,391 and counting, Alita appears to be on the right track.

There were initial fears that Alita: Battle Angel might only make $25 million off its five-day domestic opening. Alita overperformed from that expectation, with a five-day opening over $40M. That said, it's still not doing great on the domestic front. That's why hopes were placed in China and the international markets, since they have become saviors of many big-budget films.

It was previously suggested that Alita needs to make at least $500 million to be profitable for Fox, factoring in advertising and profit-sharing. Is that an attainable goal? Possibly.

As Forbes pointed out, Alita may finish under $100 million on the domestic front (they are projecting $85 million) but China and company could help. As Forbes speculated -- pure speculation -- if Alita earns $175 million in China alone, plus $85 million in the North American domestic market, plus around $200 million in the rest of the world, that would give it about $460 million worldwide. That may be a realistic goal.

Would it be enough to greenlight sequels, if $500M is really the profit benchmark? The first film introduced a whole world, and the critics and fans who enjoyed the movie are eager to see more. Director Robert Rodriguez recently talked about the ending, and how it set the film up for sequels but could also stand on its own.

Alita: Battle Angel has a CinemaScore of A- from polled moviegoers. It also has a whopping 94% Audience Score on Rotten Tomatoes, vs. the more measured 60% critics score. Alita also currently has a 7.6/10 rating from IMDb users. Based on that, it sounds like there's a ready fandom out there excited to see more. But money is always a factor, and it may be too soon to know if this film will make enough for sequels.

Alita has the backing of James Cameron as co-writer and producer. If he pushes for a sequel, that has to be worth something, right? The movie was released by 20th Century Fox, but Fox is going through its merger with Disney. So maybe this is actually a decision that Disney will have to make moving forward.

For now, Alita is playing in theaters as one of the many movies packing the 2019 release schedule.

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